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8 Ways to Forgive – The Key to Freedom and Peace 🌿

Anne-Mai Enge

Forgiveness is not only an act of grace for others, but most importantly for ourselves. Holding a grudge affects our mental and physical health, and the process of forgiveness gives freedom and inner peace . In the spirit of Acceptance therapy and

Commitment ( ACT ) Forgiveness means acknowledging your feelings, opening up to them, and making a conscious decision to live in accordance with your values.

Here are 8 ways that can help you in the forgiveness process. 💖

1. Understand that you are forgiving for yourself 🧘♀️

Often we associate forgiveness with making excuses for others, but the truth is that we forgive mainly for ourselves. Holding a grudge is like carrying a heavy backpack – it weighs us down and prevents us from moving forward. Forgiveness is a tool to remove this burden and regain the energy to live in accordance with our own values.

Think about what is truly important in your life and whether it is worth giving your energy to it. 🌱

2. Embrace your feelings 🌊

The first step to forgiveness is acknowledging your emotions. In ACT, we learn to accept whatever we feel without judgment.

Instead of fighting anger or sadness, allow yourself to feel them.

You can try mindfulness exercises :

close your eyes, focus on your breathing, and observe the emotions that come up. Are they heavy? Do they change shape or intensity?

By acknowledging your feelings, you become more willing to forgive. 🌬️

3. Forgiving is not forgetting 🧠

Forgiveness does not mean forgetting the situation or event that caused you pain. Rather, it is recognizing that your past does not have to control your present . In ACT, we learn that we can accept reality while still acting on our values.

Example : If someone hurts you, you don't have to forget about it, but you can choose not to hold a grudge and move on with your life. 🌈

4. Stop blaming yourself 🤲

Sometimes it is harder for us to forgive ourselves than others. We constantly blame ourselves for past mistakes. In ACT therapy, we teach that our thoughts and feelings are a natural part of life, not the oracle of it.

Focus on being kind to yourself – how would you comfort someone close to you in a similar situation?

Apply the same tenderness to yourself.

5. Practice compassion 💚

One of the tools of ACT is developing compassion for others.

Try to look at the situation through the eyes of the person who hurt you.

Maybe she was under the influence of strong emotions, stress, or fear? This is not about justifying her behavior, but about understanding that we are all human and make mistakes. This exercise can help you find the space to forgive.

6. Write a letter – but you don’t have to send it ✉️

Writing a letter to the person you want to forgive can be very cathartic.

Pour out your emotions on paper, describe how you feel and why what happened was difficult for you.

Then decide whether you want to keep the letter, destroy it, or send it. The act of writing is a way of expressing what you carry within you and can be a step towards forgiveness.

7. Create space for forgiveness 🕯️

Forgiveness requires time and space. Find a quiet corner for yourself, light a candle, focus on your breath and imagine that with each exhale you release negative emotions from yourself. You can repeat affirmations to yourself: " I release the burden of resentment ", " I am ready to forgive and move on ". Creating such a ritual can support the forgiveness process and bring peace.

8. Remember the benefits of forgiveness 🌟

Research shows that forgiveness has a positive impact on health.

People who forgive experience less stress and are in better mental and physical condition.

ACT is all about acting in accordance with your values – forgiveness can be one such action that will benefit you on many levels.

Forgiveness is not always easy, but it is one of the most important steps to achieving peace and harmony.

Forgive for yourself, for your health and happiness.

Let this be your gift to yourself. 🌸

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