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EFT, or emotional freedom techniques

Anne-Mai Enge

What does EFT mean? 🤔

EFT is an abbreviation for Emotional Freedom Techniques , which can be translated into Polish as Emotional Freedom Techniques . It is an alternative therapy method that combines elements of acupressure and psychotherapy. It is often referred to as "tapping" or tapping. ✋

The main assumptions and operation of EFT :

  1. Tapping acupressure points:

  • EFT involves gently tapping on specific points on the body that correspond to the points used in acupuncture. These points are mainly located on the face, hands and upper body.

  1. Combination with psychotherapy: 🧠

  • While tapping, the person performing EFT focuses on a specific emotional or physical problem while saying affirmations or phrases related to that problem. The goal is to release negative emotions and stress related to a given problem.

  1. Energy theory: 🌟

  • EFT is based on the theory that negative emotions and stress result from disturbances in the flow of energy in the body. Tapping acupressure points aims to restore energy balance, which is supposed to reduce or eliminate negative emotions and physical ailments.

EFT Applications:

  • Stress and Anxiety Reduction: 😌 EFT is often used to reduce stress and anxiety levels by tapping and focusing on specific negative emotions.

  • Pain Management: 🤕 Some people use EFT as a method to help manage chronic pain.

  • Improved self-esteem: 💪 EFT can be used to work on negative beliefs and thoughts, which can improve self-esteem and self-confidence.

  • Trauma and PTSD: 🌪️ These techniques are sometimes used to aid in the treatment of people suffering from trauma and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).

Steps in EFT:

  1. Identifying the problem: 🔍

  • The person identifies a problem or emotion they want to focus on.

  1. Intensity rating: 📊

  • Before starting to tap, he rates the intensity of emotions on a scale from 0 to 10.

  1. Affirmation wording: 🗣️

  • Using an affirmation that accepts the problem, e.g. "Even though I feel [emotion/problem], I accept myself fully and completely."

  1. Tapping points:

  • Gentle tapping on specific points on the body while saying an affirmation.

  1. Intensity re-rating: 📉

  • After the round of tapping is completed, the intensity of the emotion is reassessed to see if it has changed.


EFT, or Emotional Freedom Techniques, is a method that combines tapping on acupressure points with psychotherapy, aimed at releasing negative emotions and restoring energy balance in the body. Although the effectiveness of EFT is not clearly supported by science, many people report positive effects from using this technique in managing stress, anxiety and pain. 🧘♀️✨

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