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Hypnosis - a journey to the depths of the mind 🌀

Anne-Mai Enge

Updated: Mar 16, 2024

What is hypnosis?

Surrounded by an aura of mystery, often wrongly associated only with television shows, hypnosis is in fact a psychotherapeutic tool that can help make positive changes in life. Considered by many people to be a "magical" method, in fact it is based on scientific foundations and requires a deep understanding of the human mind.

Hypnosis is a state of focused attention in which a person experiences increased susceptibility to suggestion. It's not magic or movie-style mind control - rather, we can compare it to being immersed in a book or movie when the rest of the world seems to disappear for a moment. In a state of hypnosis, our mind is more open to positive changes and suggestions that can influence our beliefs, habits, and even feelings.

What changes can be made?

  1. Habits Hypnosis can help you change unhealthy habits, such as smoking or unhealthy eating. It works by " programming " new, healthier behavior patterns in the mind.

  2. Beliefs Some of our beliefs limit us in life. Hypnosis can help identify them and replace them with more supportive ones.

  3. Stress and Anxiety Through relaxation and breathing techniques, hypnosis can significantly reduce stress and anxiety levels, leading to a deep state of peace.

  4. Self-confidence By strengthening positive beliefs about yourself, hypnosis can improve self-esteem and self-confidence.

Who is hypnosis for?

Hypnosis is recommended for people who want to work on themselves, their habits and beliefs, as well as for those who are looking for ways to reduce stress and improve the quality of life. It is also effective in the treatment of various phobias and fears.

And who is it not recommended for?

While hypnosis is a safe method, there are certain conditions under which you should exercise caution or avoid it altogether. People suffering from mental illnesses, such as psychosis or severe personality disorders, should consult a doctor before undergoing hypnotic therapy.

Hypnosis is also not recommended for people under the influence of alcohol or psychoactive substances.


It is particularly effective for those who are looking for methods to improve self-esteem, reduce stress, overcome fears, improve concentration, or change undesirable habits. You can work on yourself and your personal development in the comfort of your own home. Just when you're ready to wind down.

Perfect for people open to independent discovery of their own mind and looking for effective tools for personal transformation.

Self-hypnosis is not recommended for people with severe mental disorders without first consulting a professional.

Hypnosis is a fascinating journey into the interior of the mind , which offers a chance for positive changes and a deeper understanding of yourself.

Remember that if you think about hypnosis as a tool for personal development, or working on your beliefs and traumas from a therapeutic perspective, it is best to undergo hypnosis under the supervision of an experienced and qualified hypnotherapist, then it will be easier for you to understand the images during the session.

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