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I don't think I'm addicted, but am I really?

Anne-Mai Enge

addiction is an insidious state of satisfying a lack
Addiction is a serious condition that affects both the body and mind.

It may involve various substances such as alcohol, drugs, nicotine, as well as behaviors such as gambling, computer games, or compulsive shopping. 🤔

Addiction is characterized by the difficulty or inability to control the use of a substance or behavior, despite negative consequences.

Addicted people often experience severe cravings (called cravings ) and withdrawal symptoms when they try to stop using. This chronic disorder can lead to serious health, emotional and social problems, requiring professional help and support to recover from. 💔

Types of addictions :

Substance addictions:

Alcohol 🥃:

Alcohol abuse can lead to physical and mental dependence, serious health problems, and a negative impact on personal and professional life.

Drugs 💊:

The use of psychoactive substances such as cocaine, heroin, amphetamines and marijuana leads to serious health problems, addiction and social consequences.

Nicotine 🚬:

Smoking cigarettes or using e-cigarettes leads to strong physical and mental dependence and many serious diseases, including lung cancer.

Prescription drugs 💉:

Misuse of prescription drugs such as opioids, benzodiazepines, and sleeping pills can lead to addiction and serious health problems.

Behavioral addictions:

Gambling 🎰:

Compulsive gambling for money leads to serious financial, emotional and social problems. People addicted to gambling often neglect their responsibilities and relationships.

Computer games 🎮:

Excessive video game playing can lead to social isolation, health problems, and neglect of daily duties.

Internet and social media 🌐

Internet and social media addiction can lead to isolation, problems with concentration and a negative impact on mental health.

Addiction to surfing the Internet, social media.

Shopping 🛍️

compulsive shopping, which can lead to financial and emotional problems.

Food 🍔

compulsive eating, bulimia, anorexia. Eating disorders can have serious health and mental consequences.

Work 💼

workaholism, which can lead to exhaustion and health problems.

Sex ❤️🔥

addiction to sex and pornography, which can lead to relationship problems and feelings of shame.

Porn videos 📹

Abusing pornographic content, which may lead to emotional problems, lack of pleasure in real life, lack of interest in a partner.

Physical exercises 🏋️

excessive physical activity, which can lead to injuries and health problems.

Television and movies 📺

watching too much, which can lead to neglect of responsibilities and relationships.

Addictions to emotions and states:

Adrenaline 🎢:

Addiction to risky behavior and extreme sports can lead to serious injuries and health problems.

Anger 😡:

Addiction to conflict and arguments can destroy interpersonal relationships and lead to chronic stress.

Control 🎮:

The need to control other people and situations can lead to relationship tensions and emotional problems.

Technology addictions:

Smartphones 📱:

Phone addiction can lead to neglect of responsibilities and interpersonal relationships, as well as health problems such as insomnia.

Social media 📲:

Addiction to social media platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter can lead to feelings of isolation, low self-esteem and health problems.

Streaming 📺:

Excessive use of streaming services (Netflix, YouTube) may lead to neglect of responsibilities and relationships.

Other addictions:

Creativity and art 🎨:

An addiction to creating art, writing, or other forms of creativity can lead to neglecting other aspects of life.

Interpersonal relationships 🤝:

Addiction to certain people or relationships can lead to toxic relationships and emotional problems.

Religion 🙏:

Religious fanaticism can lead to social isolation and conflict.

Warning signs of addiction:

  • Increased tolerance to a substance or behavior

  • Withdrawal symptoms when trying to stop using

  • Neglecting family, work or school responsibilities

  • Withdrawal from social life and interests

  • Continuing use despite negative consequences

Our approach:

At our center, we offer support through individual and group therapies, online and for co-dependent people. They help you understand and overcome addiction. We use proven methods such as cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT), dialectical behavioral therapy (DBT) and supporting techniques such as EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques). 🧠✨

Support for co-dependent people:

Addiction does not only affect the addicted person, but also their loved ones. We offer support programs for families and partners of addicts to help them understand the problem and support their loved ones in the recovery process. 🤝❤️

Do you need a consultation? Make an appointment.

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„Kącik darmowych Pereł” to wyjątkowa kolekcja nagrań audio bajek i przypowieści, które inspirują, uczą i bawią. Odkryj mądrość ukrytą w opowieściach, które poruszają serca i pobudzają wyobraźnię.

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✨ Inspirujące treści – Bajki i przypowieści pełne mądrości,

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💡 Rozwój i refleksja – Historie, które uczą siebie

🌟 Autorska jakość – Każda opowieść tworzona z pasją

📱 Łatwy dostęp online – Słuchaj w dowolnym miejscu i czasie

Balanse Anne-Mai Enge

Org nr 926 946 072    email:

Hønefoss, Norwegia

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