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Mistakes - the best teachers

Anne-Mai Enge

Updated: Mar 16, 2024

Have you ever wondered why life's greatest lessons come from the most difficult experiences?

It's a bit like when you try to learn to ride a bike.

Remember all those falls, bruises, maybe even tears? But then, suddenly, as if through a fog, there comes a moment when you are driving alone and the wind in your hair gives you a feeling of freedom.

That's how mistakes work - they're like falling on a bike. They hurt at first, but eventually they teach us how to maintain balance.

Mistakes are the best teachers because they give you something you won't find in any textbooks - experience. When something goes wrong, instead of giving up or criticizing, ask yourself, "What can I get out of this?" Every mistake is like a question on the exam of life, and the answer is a lesson that you will remember for a long time.

Moreover, mistakes develop our creativity. When standard methods fail, we look for new, unconventional solutions. It is in these moments, under the influence of "failures", that the most innovative ideas are born. Did you know that many inventions, such as Post-it notes or penicillin, were discovered by "accident", while working on something completely different?

Also remember that every mistake is proof that you are trying and that you are developing. By standing still, you avoid risk, but you also avoid growth. What seems like a failure today may turn out to be the foundation of your success tomorrow.

So the next time something goes wrong, smile to yourself and think,

"Well, this will be a great story to tell once I succeed!"

What mistakes taught you the best lessons? Share your experiences!

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