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The only limits that exist are the ones we impose on ourselves

Anne-Mai Enge

Where do our limitations come from? Does the world impose barriers on us, or do we create them ourselves, drawing invisible lines that we do not dare to cross? This reflection may seem too philosophical for a daily schedule full of responsibilities and quick decisions, but it is fundamental to everything we do.

How is it possible that one moment we can feel invincible and the next moment limited by our own thoughts and doubts?

Taking a closer look, we notice that our mental map of limitations is often much denser than our map of physical obstacles. What seems to be an impassable boundary is often only a shadow of our fears and uncertainties. " I can't do it " , " I'm not ready for it " , " It's too hard " - these thoughts shape our reality, creating a barrier between us and our dreams.

In this article I want to address the issue of these invisible boundaries. We will focus on how we set barriers for ourselves and, moreover, how we can dismantle them piece by piece to ultimately discover our full potential. This will not be a journey into complex psychological theories, but rather a conversation about simple but powerful changes in our thinking. I want to share with you a perspective that can help break down these limits, reminding you that the only limits we really have are the ones we impose on ourselves. 😌

🌟 Your own mind as a border guard

It's fascinating how the mind, this incredibly powerful tool 🧠, can simultaneously inspire us to great achievements 🌟 and limit us, drawing lines that we don't dare to cross. The mind as the guardian of boundaries is not only a metaphor for our internal limitations, but also a reminder of the power we have over our thoughts and beliefs.

When our inner guardian is too strict in guarding access to the land of infinite possibilities , we begin to live in a world that we limit ourselves. 🚫 Every thought like "I can't", "it's impossible", or "I'm not good enough" acts as a padlock 🔒 on the gate to this land. Instead of giving ourselves a chance, we often set ourselves up for failure before we even try. But what if I told you that the keys 🔑 to these padlocks are in our hands?

Opening this gate requires us to change our perspective and approach to our own limitations. It's like telling our inner guardian, "Thank you for caring, but I'm taking over." Instead of listening to the voices that say "no", we start hearing those that say "why not?" 🤔

Yes, it may require a bit of work on yourself and, perhaps, facing the fears that have locked these padlocks. But every step towards this gate, every attempt to open one of these padlocks, is a step closer to a life without limits, full of potential and possibilities. 💪🚀

Remember that each of us is the keeper of his own gate. We can choose whether we will guard it with fear or open it wide to boldly walk through it towards our dreams and aspirations. It's time to take those keys in your hand and discover what's on the other side. It's time to show ourselves that the only limitations we really face are the ones we impose on ourselves. ✨

🚀 Change of perspective

A change of perspective can do wonders. When we start treating obstacles not as impenetrable walls, but as challenges that can be overcome, we open the door to new opportunities. " I can " attitude and " I'll try " are powerful tools that push the boundaries of our possibilities further than we could ever imagine.

💡 Discovering new possibilities

There's nothing more exciting than discovering what we can do. Whether it's learning a new language, changing a career or even skydiving - when we stop saying " no " to ourselves, incredible things start to happen. Each of us has infinite potential waiting to be discovered.

🤗 Acceptance and self-acceptance

An important step in overcoming your own limitations is accepting yourself and your fears. Understanding that fear of failure is part of the process helps you overcome it. Self-acceptance does not mean giving up the pursuit of a better self, but it gives you the strength to experiment and develop.

🌈 Remember

...that the only limits that really exist are the ones we impose on ourselves. When we start believing in ourselves and our possibilities, the world will open up. So take that first step, push the limits of your own mind and discover how much you can achieve.

Let every day be an opportunity to overcome your own barriers.

So, what will you do today to push your limits? 😊🚀

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