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We are plastic, or how our brain changes and why it is worth working on it

Anne-Mai Enge

Did you know that our brain is like plasticine? 🧠✨ I don't mean that we can bend it however we want (although that would be something!), but that it has an extraordinary ability to adapt, change and learn throughout our lives.

It is thanks to mental plasticity that we can constantly develop, learn new things and adapt to new circumstances.

But what exactly does this mean and how does it work? Let's dive into the fascinating world of neuroplasticity!

What is mental plasticity?

Mental plasticity, also known as neuroplasticity , is the brain's ability to create new neural connections and modify existing ones in response to experience, learning, and environmental changes. 🌱📚

This ability makes our brain dynamic rather than static, which means we can develop new skills, adapt to change and even rebuild function after brain injuries.

Examples of plasticity from everyday life

Mental plasticity is not an abstract concept - we can observe it in many aspects of our lives:

  • Learning a new language: When you start learning a new language, your brain makes new connections that help you learn new words and grammar rules. It's like building bridges in your brain! 🌉🗣️

  • Playing an instrument: Regularly practicing playing an instrument strengthens the connections responsible for motor and auditory coordination. Beethoven would be proud! 🎻🎶

  • Adapting to a new job: Taking on new responsibilities and learning new skills forces our brain to create new neural pathways. It's a bit like an internal GPS that constantly updates the map. 🗺️💼

Techniques supporting the development of mental plasticity

Do you want to strengthen your neuroplasticity? Here are some proven methods:

  • Meditation and mindfulness: Research shows that meditation can increase the volume of gray matter in the brain, which supports neural plasticity (Lazar et al., 2005). 🧘♂️🧘♀️

  • Physical activity: Regular physical exercise supports brain health and neuroplasticity, improving memory and cognitive function (Erickson et al., 2011). 🏃♂️🏋️♀️

  • Social interaction: An active social life stimulates the brain and supports the development of communication and emotional skills (Fratiglioni et al., 2004). 👥🎉


  • Neural News: Every day, our brain can create about 700 new neurons in the hippocampus, an area responsible for memory and learning. 🧠🌟 (Spalding et al., 2013)

  • The Tetris effect: After playing Tetris for a long time, you may notice that you start to see these blocks in your dreams! This is an example of mental plasticity in action. (Stickgold et al., 2000) 🎮🧩


Neuroplasticity is our brain's amazing ability to adapt, learn and change. Thanks to it, we can constantly develop new skills, adapt to new situations and even regain functions after injuries.

Next time you feel discouraged, remember - your brain is like plasticine, ready to mold and change for the better! 😊💪

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