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Working with Wheels of Light? How can light change your life? 🌟

Anne-Mai Enge

Light visualization

There are times in our lives when we need strength, a moment of calm, or protection from excess stimuli.

If you’ve ever been looking for a way to fill yourself with positive energy and feel more at peace, working with wheels of light may be for you. This technique, while incredibly simple, is incredibly powerful. What’s more, anyone can use it, whether you’re new to meditation or have been on a spiritual path for years. 😊

What is working with wheels of light? 💫

Circles of Light is a visualization that involves imagining a bright circle of light surrounding you. This light symbolizes protection, healing, and strengthening of your energy. Imagine being in the center of a radiant circle – it’s like having your own personal bubble of protection that simultaneously charges you with positive energy.

This technique is used by people who want to:

  • Increase your inner power,

  • Cleanse your energy field,

  • Protect yourself from negative external influences,

  • Enhance the healing process of body and mind.

How does working with wheels of light work? 🌀

Working with light wheels is based on the power of visualization. Our thoughts have the power to create reality – in this case, the light you imagine around you acts as a real protection and source of energy. It's a bit like you've tapped into a "cosmic charger". 😊

When you focus your attention on this circle of light, you begin to feel more peace, harmony, and inner strength. It works on an energetic level, helping to unblock blocked emotions and release stress.

A simple technique you can try right now! 🌟

  1. Find a quiet place. Sit or lie down comfortably.

  2. Close your eyes and begin to breathe deeply. Focus on your breathing – in through your nose, out through your mouth.

  3. Imagine a bright, warm light. This light begins to surround your body, creating a circle around you.

  4. The light becomes stronger and brighter. As it grows in intensity, you feel it filling you with positive energy and peace.

  5. Stay in this visualization for a few minutes. Allow yourself to feel the full power of this light.

That's it! Simple, right? 😊 and very powerful - you will feel the difference when you introduce this technique into your daily practice.

Why is it worth trying? ✨

Working with wheels of light can bring incredible benefits:

  • Energy Protection: It's like putting on energetic armor that protects you from stress and negative influences.

  • Peace and harmony: Light helps to calm the mind, which is especially important in today's busy world.

  • Increased inner power: This technique will make you feel stronger and more confident.

Circles of light in a group – the power of shared energy 🌍

You can also work with circles of light in a group. It is an amazing experience when you imagine a circle of light with others that surrounds the entire group. Mutual support and focused energy can bring even deeper healing and harmony effects.

Summary – Your light, your power 💪🌟

Working with light wheels is a beautiful technique that not only aids in healing and energy protection, but also strengthens your inner power. It is a simple practice that you can introduce into your life today to feel more at peace, harmony and connected to yourself.

Try it – your light is waiting for you! ✨

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